Faculty and Staff
Welcome to Emerald Christian Academy!
At ECA, we love God, value learning, and serve others.
Doug Gaylor, Principal
Emerald Christian Academy is part of the Oregon Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. Our core values of our vision - to Love God, Value Learning, and Serve Others is in harmony with our school’s support of the “Oregon Model” —dedicated to a Christ-centered culture, restorative disciplinary practices, and social-emotional learning opportunities.
We are proud to take this expansive, progressive view of education and bring it into the bedrock of what we do here at Emerald Christian Academy. We take seriously the importance of a safe, nurturing, and enthusiastic classroom environment.
We are committed to supporting your family and your child through these formative years. Join our journey.
At Emerald Christian Academy, we have a vision:

Constituent Churches
Emerald Christian Academy is generously supported by seven Lane County Adventist churches.

Emerald Christian Academy offers bus service for school field trips. We do not provide daily bus transportation services.
Immunization Report
How many children at Emerald Christian Academy are vaccinated?*
Number of children at the school†
Percent of children with no immunization or exemption record
Percent of children with a medical exemption for one or more vaccine(s)
*Not all immunizations are required for all grades. These numbers may not total 100% if some children have medical exemptions, or are incomplete or in process with immunizations but do not need an exemption because they are on schedule.