Complete Online Reenrollment
This year, we are using a new system called AE Connect for our school data platform. Most information has been copied from our old system. Information will be sent to families. If you have any questions, please call the school at 541-746-1708 and we will help you.
Checklist for Returning Students:
Once the following list of items are submitted, your student’s reenrollment will be complete.
____ Reenrollment Fee Paid / $50 per family before April 20, 2024 / $150 per family after April 20, 2024.
____ Birth certificate copy (required for all returning students, this year only)
____ Updated immunization record (incoming Kinder and 7th graders only)
____ Updated Medication Authorization form
____ Updated Student Health Record (incoming Kinder, 4th, and 7th graders only)
____ Custody Documents, if applicable
____ Volunteer Background Check form
____ ACH or CC Authorization form (NEW)
____ Computer Usage Agreement Form completed
____ After-School Agreement Form completed
____ All 2023-24 financial accounts (paid in full)
2. Tuition Agreement
After the Online Enrollment packet is complete and you’ve checked off the items on the Checklist for Returning Students, you can start your FACTS Grant & Aid Assessment if you are interested in financial aid. If you do not need financial aid, your Tuition Agreement will be crafted and sent to you for approval. Click here to visit the Tuition Rates & Assistance page or you can access it later under the Admissions tab at the top. If you have specific financial concerns that were not addressed in the FACTS Grant & Aid Assessment, you can email the ECA Business Manager.