Remembering George Washington
At ECA, our vision is that school families Love God, Value Learning, and Serve Others.
February 22, 1732 - George Washington’s Birthday
“It is far better to be alone, than to be in bad company… I hope I shall always possess firmness and virtue enough to maintain the character of an honest man.” George Washington spoke these words almost 250 years ago. His example to step down after eight years in the office helped set up a system that recognizes the value and power of choice and changing voices. Today, we celebrate this third Monday in the month of February and honor all presidents. Choosing our leaders is an important part of what makes our country great. As Christians, choice is a powerful thing. Each day we are able to choose Jesus as our personal savior. His love for all humankind is something we will never completely understand. The option to choose “freedom through Christ” is something we all can celebrate.
“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” - Galatians 5:1
Click below to learn a little bit more about Presidents Day
1/2 Day Friday for the next two Fridays
This Friday, we will be making up last week’s snow day. School will begin at 8:00 and run until 12:30. We will also have school next Friday, February, 28. School will run from 8:00-12:30.
ASB Skiing - Wednesday, February 19
Students in grades 5-8 will be leaving for Hoodoo this Wednesday morning. We will leave school as close to 8:00 as possible and we should return before 6:00. To help us leave on time, please have your children on time or a bit earlier. Thank you for helping us make this a fun and safe day. For students bringing lunches, there are NO microwaves available for students to use. Please plan accordingly. There is a cafe / store with some hot foods if you would like to send money with your child.
Start Planning Now!
There are a few important dates coming up in the month ahead. These are important things to write on your calendar and share with friends & family:
Friday, February 28 - ECA Jog-a-thon - ECA will be having a winter fundraiser to get students moving and to help our school’s worthy student fund. Each year, ECA commits between $30,000 - $40,000 to help families with tuition assistance. This jog-a-thon is one way to help as we prepare for new & returning families next year. More information will go out this week.
Friday, March 14 - ECA Winter Visitation Day - ECA will be having an open house. This is an opportunity to invite families in the community to our school. Visiting families must bring children with them. If you have friends or family who are looking for a change and value Christian education, be sure to spread the word. Our visitation day will go from 8-12:30. Students will be able to visit classrooms for the day and there will be a Q/A session for families and the principal.
Friday, March 14 - ECA Kindergarten “Drop-in” Day - The visitation day will be for potential kindergarten students too, just slightly different hours.
Sunday, March 16 - ECA Comedy Night - Every winter, ECA tries to host an activity for our school, church, and community families. Last year, we had a “Mystery Dinner.” This year, ECA will be hosting a Christian Comedy night filled with great food, fun, and a chance to have an evening out. ECA will be providing daycare during this evening event. The details are still being finalized, but it promises to be a fun evening. Tickets and money raised will go towards three important events: 1) ECA’s Spring Mission Trip, 2) Next Year’s Washington D.C. Trip for next year’s 7th & 8th grade students, and 3) Elementary (Grades K-4) Classroom & School Improvement Plans.
AG Class - No Monday Classes until March 3
Our Monday AG classes go in the winter months too. This week’s class is for 5th grade on Monday. Students will be outdoors doing a variety of things with Mr. Wyatt Johnson. Throughout the year, there may be a few rainy days. Boots and gloves are great things for working outdoors on Monday Science Days. Water bottles are great things to have outside too. Here is a schedule of the days and classes:
Monday, March 3 - Grades 3&4
Monday, March 10 - Grades K-2
Monday, March 17 - Grades 7&8
No School NEXT Monday February 24
On Monday, February 24 ECA will have a no school day. Teachers have a winter professional development day as we all leave for continuing SBL training. We will make up this last Monday with an extra day of school on Friday, February 28.
Hot Lunch Menu for the Month
Hot lunch happens every Monday and Wednesday. Additionally, whenever we have a 1/2 Friday, hot lunch will be offered by our Home & School. You can click on the link below to order hot lunch for the week for your child. If you have more than one child, please click the link more than once and turn in one week’s submission for each child. There is a payment option that is included in the form.
Christian Counseling Available - Free Resources:
The NAD (North American Division of SDA) has recently shared new resources for children and teens that offer a safe and anonymous place to talk or text. Here is a news release from the NAD.
We’re excited to announce the launch of our newest NAD site providing free online mentoring for guys. A Rugged Journey joins (for young women) which has grown in its scope and ministry since its beginning in 2017.
These sites, along with their counterparts on social media, provide free help to our teens/young adults in a space they can ask questions without judgment or fear. The questions are answered by a team of dedicated Seventh-day Adventists at AIM on the campus of Andrews University.
In addition to the confidential Q & A, positive content is provided through videos, posts, etc. FB: gorgeous2god/ IG: @gorgeous2god FB: aruggedjourney/ IG: @aruggedjourney
Announcements & Upcoming Events
Monday, February 17 - No School - President’s Day
Friday, February 21 - Makeup 1/2 Day Friday
Monday, February 24 - No School - Teacher Inservice Day
Friday, February 28 - Extra 1/2 Day Friday (Makeup for Monday)