Quotes Worth Remembering


At ECA, our vision is that school families Love God, Value Learning, and Serve Others.

We all remember “I Have a Dream…” Do you remember these quotes?

"The time is always right to do what is right" 

"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy" 

"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter" 

"Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that" 

"Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend" 

  • Martin Luther King, Jr.

Every two years, middle school students at ECA go on an educational tour to Washington, D.C. The Martin Luther King Jr. Monument is one of the many monuments we see. But more than just another monument, it speaks to the power of being a voice for the right thing. On this day, we remember some of the powerful words that even today help to make our world a better place.

Cold Morning, icy roads and sidewalks

Just a reminder that as the weather gets colder, we remember safety for our students on the roads and at school. At ECA, getting students safely to school is an important priority as we think about road conditions. Generally speaking, ECA follows 4J school closures that are weather related. If 4J has a late start or closure for weather related closures, ECA will do the same. Additionally, if Pleasant Hill Schools have a late start or closure related to weather and road conditions, ECA will do the same.

Our goal is to inform parents by 6:30 on the morning of weather-related late starts or closures. Typical causes are icy roads or snow accumulation. As we learned last year, power failures are also possible reasons. Notifications will be posted on local tv stations with Flash Alert and Remind announcements will be sent out to school families too.

In addition to getting to school safety, please remember that sidewalks at school can be icy in the cold mornings. Please remind your children to walk carefully as they walk around the school campus in the early morning hours.

Our Third Quarter will begin soon…

Just a reminder that our second quarter ends this week. Try to help students get those last minute assignments turned in this week. What are some things we can look forward to for our students as we get our third quarter under way?

January 27-January 30 - Winter MAP Testing

Early February - K-2 Field Trip to the Raptor Center

6th Grade - Outdoor School at Big Lake Youth Camp

Grades 5-8 - Winter skiing in late February. More information to come soon.

Making Music in the Winter

As we returned back to school in January, it was so nice to see all of our students return after the winter bugs that we all experienced in December. During our Christmas Program, we had several students who were sick and unable to share their talents. We are working with the Eugene SDA Church to prepare a Sabbath program that will include music from our students. We are still working on possible dates and music groups that will be participating. Keep looking here for updates. We will give you plenty of advance notice.

AG Program - Monday’s Science Class (To continue next week…)

Our Monday AG classes go in the winter months too. There is NO Ag class tomorrow (Tuesday), but will resume next week for grades K-2 on Monday. Students will be outdoors doing a variety of things with Mr. Wyatt Johnson. Throughout the year, there may be a few rainy days. Boots and gloves are great things for working outdoors on Monday Science Days. Water bottles are great things to have outside too. Here is a schedule of the days and classes:

6th Grade Outdoor School Paperwork Needs to be Returned This Week Please

Outdoor school for 6th grade students will be February 10-13 at Big Lake Youth Camp. If you have not returned your medical info and release form yet, please click on the link below for the form. The forms are also available at the ECA office. Medical information, doctors and phone numbers are needed so we can plan for all of the students who will be participating to make it a safe and fun week for everyone. Here is a short note from the camp host…

“I’m excited to have your student join us at camp for Outdoor School February 10-13! Here are a few bits and pieces as you help get them ready for the adventure. Let me give you a quick snapshot in case you’re not familiar with Outdoor School. The winter session includes four core classes that students rotate through: Water, Trees/Plants, Ecosystems, and Motion. Each class has significant outdoor segments—we think it’s super important to do some outdoor, hands-on learning at Outdoor School! Cabins are also assigned to duties, including helping out in the dishroom, quick- cleaning bathrooms, straightening the Lodge after meals, and picking up trash around camp. Students live at camp for the week, and we all pitch in to take care of our home. We also play some pretty epic games, but I’m sure you’ll hear about those. Each student will come home with a Field Study Journal that they will have filled in during their classes and in the evenings. Ask them about the journal—things they learned, what surprised them, what they’ll do with their new knowledge, their favorite field study, maybe what the funniest thing was that happened at Outdoor School.

Hot Lunch Menu for the Month

Hot lunch happens every Monday and Wednesday. Additionally, whenever we have a 1/2 Friday, hot lunch will be offered by our Home & School. You can click on the link below to order hot lunch for the week for your child. If you have more than one child, please click the link more than once and turn in one week’s submission for each child. There is a payment option that is included in the form.

Christian Counseling Available - Free Resources:

The NAD (North American Division of SDA) has recently shared new resources for children and teens that offer a safe and anonymous place to talk or text. Here is a news release from the NAD.

We’re excited to announce the launch of www.aruggedjourney.org our newest NAD site providing free online mentoring for guys. A Rugged Journey joins www.gorgeous2god.org (for young women) which has grown in its scope and ministry since its beginning in 2017.

These sites, along with their counterparts on social media, provide free help to our teens/young adults in a space they can ask questions without judgment or fear. The questions are answered by a team of dedicated Seventh-day Adventists at AIM on the campus of Andrews University.

In addition to the confidential Q & A, positive content is provided through videos, posts, etc. 

www.gorgeous2god.org/ FB: gorgeous2god/ IG: @gorgeous2god 

www.aruggedjourney.org/ FB: aruggedjourney/ IG: @aruggedjourney

Announcements & Upcoming Events

  • Thursday, January 23 - Last day of the second quarter

  • Monday, January 27 - Third Quarter begins.

  • Monday, Jan. 27-Thursday, Jan. 30 - Winter MAP Testing

Doug Gaylor