Super Life With God


At ECA, our vision is that school families Love God, Value Learning, and Serve Others.

February 11, 2024

A Contest That is Big Enough for Everyone to Win!

Super Bowl Sunday usually has two sides. This year the Kansas City Chiefs and San Francisco 49ers are in a match to claim the top prize for the NFL year. I’m so glad that the life we can have with God can be super year round. And even better, this reward is not reserved for just one city or fans of a team. With God, we can choose to be on the victorious team.

“For the Lord your God is he who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies, to give you the victory.” 2 Corinthians 2:14

2nd Quarter Report Cards are Ready to be Picked Up in the Office

Report cards for the second quarter are ready to be picked up. Many teachers will pass out report cards to parents picking up their children. If you are unable to pick up your child’s report card, you can pick it up in the office next week. You can also call the office and we will mail it to you if that is more convenient.

6th Grade Outdoor School is Coming Up!

Tomorrow, students in 6th grade will be spending the week at Big Lake Youth Camp. We will be leaving school around 9:00 in the morning. We should arrive up there in time to eat a packed lunch (please provide a non-microwavable lunch for your child) and activities will start when we reach the lodge by snowcat and pulled innertubes. We will be there four days. We will be leaving the camp on Thursday right before noon and should be back at school in time for the 3:30 dismissal. Please plan on picking your child up at 3:30 or plan on after-school. PARENTS: IN THE PACKING LIST, IT DID NOT MENTION PACKING A TOWEL FOR SHOWERS. PLEASE SEND A TOWEL FOR YOUR CHILD TO TAKE SHOWERS; THEY WILL NOT BE PROVIDED. And please remember to wrap everything in large garbage bags with your name taped to it.

Student Packing List

Big Lake Youth Camp is a world-class summer camp that is run by the Seventh-Day Adventist Church. Students will be staying in cabins with school and camp volunteers. If you would like more information about the camp, please click on the link below for an overview.

AG Program - Monday’s Science Class

Our Monday AG program continues tomorrow, February 12. Tomorrow’s class will be for students in grades K, 1, & 2. Students will be outdoors doing a variety of things with Mr. Wyatt Johnson. Throughout the year, there may be a few rainy days. Boots and gloves are great things for working outdoors on Monday Science Days. Water bottles are great things to have outside too. Students are in class with Mr. Wyatt from 1:15-3:15. The kindergarten & 1&2 grade class will split the time. Here is a schedule of the days and classes:

Monday, Feb. 19 - No School - President’s Day

Monday, Feb. 26 - Grades 7,8

Make-up School Days Are Finalized and Scheduled

Thank you again for supporting our community during our winter ice storm. We missed five days of school. We have already made up one of those days. Here are the dates for the remaining makeup days. They will all be on Fridays and all will be 8:00 - 12:30 times.

  • Friday, February 23

  • Friday, March 15

  • Friday, April 18

  • Friday, May 3

ECA Winter Skiing for Grades 5-8

Parents of students in grades 5-8. did you receive the questionnaire about our winter skiing program at Hoodoo Ski Resort? We are needing numbers for how many would be interested in going this year at a reduced school rate. Hoodoo Ski Resort will give us those rates when we have numbers. Right now, we are considering Wednesday, Feb. 28 for a ski day, with a follow-up second day on March 6 if there is interest. This is not included in school tuition. There is a charge that is outlined in the paper that was sent home last week. Please ask your child about it. It was also sent home in an email. Finally, you can click on the link below to download the form.

Again, this skiing program is for students in grades 5-8. Students in grades K-4 have two weeks of swimming lessons after Spring Break.

School Fundraiser - Upcoming Jog-a-thon

It has been exciting to see our school enrollment reach 70 students this year. Christian education is a big difference in the lives of students. We are blessed to have church, community, and school family support. For many families, our worthy student fund help make that extra difference to make Christian education a reality. This year’s winter fundraiser will tentatively be on Tuesday, Feb. 27. Students in each grade will have one hour to run/walk laps around our school track. The office is preparing packets with more information, and there will be information and opportunities to make online donations on our school website. Here are some of the basics we are starting to work with:

  • Donations can be by the 1/2 mile (4 laps) or a flat donation

  • Home & School will be working with the school to plan the event

  • All donations will be divided up in four ways: 25% Elementary Playground, 25% Washington D.C. Trip for 7th & 8th grade students, and %50 Worthy Student Fund.

  • Feb. 27 (with a fallback day on the 29th if poor weather)

  1. 11:00-12:00 7-8

  2. 12:00-1:00 5-6

  3. 1:00-2:00 3-4

  4. 2:00-3:00 K-2

Hot Lunch Program

The updated menu for each month is posted at the beginning of every month on the school website. Here is the menu for this month.

Please place all orders for each week before Monday morning at 8:45.

  1. Simply type your child’s first & last name.

  2. Select the option that fits the order for the week.

  3. Choose your payment method.

  4. Click Submit.

Prices for meals:

students in grades K-2 - $5,

students in grades 3-8 - $6.

Just a reminder… our hot lunch menu is posted on our website.

Weather & School Closings / Late Starts

There is the possibility of icy weather, frozen roads, or snow to impact school hours. Generally speaking, our winters are usually mild. Snow on the valley floor is unlikely. Your safety and your child’s safety is important to us. We have families that come from all over the I-5 corridor and road conditions can vary. As a general rule, we follow 4J weather-related school closures or late starts. We also follow Pleasant Hill School District school closures & late starts.

In the event of a weather or storm related late start or closure, we will send REMIND notices out to families by 6:30 am on school days. We also post to area school closure news outlets.

ASB Winter Banquet is Coming Up for Grades 5-8

Christian Youth Meetings at ECA next weekend

The Oregon Conference of SDA along with local youth leaders and pastors want to invite upper middle school and high school students for a weekend of insights, questions, fun activities, and a chance to grow in one’s faith. Teens in the 2020s have real questions about what it means to be a Christian in 2024. If you know someone who might be interested in attending, you can call one of the local SDA churches, our school, or go to FACEBOOK and look up Oregon Conference Youth Ministries for more information.

Christian Counseling Available - Free Resources:

The NAD (North American Division of SDA) has recently shared new resources for children and teens that offer a safe and anonymous place to talk or text. Here is a news release from the NAD.

We’re excited to announce the launch of our newest NAD site providing free online mentoring for guys. A Rugged Journey joins (for young women) which has grown in its scope and ministry since its beginning in 2017.

These sites, along with their counterparts on social media, provide free help to our teens/young adults in a space they can ask questions without judgment or fear. The questions are answered by a team of dedicated Seventh-day Adventists at AIM on the campus of Andrews University.

In addition to the confidential Q & A, positive content is provided through videos, posts, etc. FB: gorgeous2god/ IG: @gorgeous2god FB: aruggedjourney/ IG: @aruggedjourney

Announcements & Upcoming Events

Feb. 12 - Feb. 15 - 6th Grade Outdoor School

Feb. 16, 17 - OR Youth Weekend at ECA

Feb. 22 - ASB Banquet

Feb. 28 & March 6 - Possible Winter Skiing Dates

April 8-18 - Grades K-4 Swimming Program

Doug Gaylor