Duck for President!
Principal’s Message:
In PK/K we have been practicing voting all week. We voted for what flavor ice cream we like, we voted for what kind of cookies we like, what color apples taste best. Our voting time brought several things bubbling up to the surface.
First, everyone wanted their friends to vote for the choice that they had picked.
Second, there were a lot of hurt feelings during the ice cream vote because some learners did not like either choice and were quite upset that chocolate and vanilla could not be swirled together for their vote…lol
Third, It was really hard, but important, to find ways to support someone else’s choice when the one they made felt wrong to us.
All of these lessons were quite important in our class this past week and they are important lessons that should spill out of the classroom into our homes and communities.
Learning and practicing civil dialogue and our civic responsibility is an important cornerstone of education. We have the added responsibility and benefit, at Emerald Christian Academy, of discussing with our learner’s how Jesus engaged —sometimes favorably and sometimes disapprovingly— with the laws and leadership in the land.
Let us make our responsibility to God our highest priority and our responsibility to our community a reflection of that understanding. I leave you with a light-hearted reading of “Duck for President” to get your family excited about November 3!
Wyatt Pedigo was our Candy Corn winner! We are still sleuthing to figure out our pumpkin pie winner—hoping to announce a winner on Monday!
November 3-Election Day! It is very important to us here at ECA that our learners understand that they are part of a larger community. What are ways that we can support kids’ understanding of the upcoming election? Here is a wonderful resource that gives parents and educators alike a good foundational place to talk about some of the important elements of an election:
Online Co-Op Families we would LOVE to see what you are working on—please send pictures for our website and for the yearbook staff!
ECA’s Covid Advisory Team will be meeting again at the end of 1st quarter, November 6.
Questions, concerns, ideas? Please email with the subject—Covid Advisory Team.
Are you unsure about your child’s symptoms? Do you want some guidance on whether they should be at school or stay home or get a Covid test? Call Lane County’s Non-Emergency Call Center line for Covid-19 at 541-682-1380
Governor Kate Brown did make an announcement last week that the metrics have been loosened for in-person instruction. Here in Lane County that metric still has not been met, but we will be discussing with our Covid Advisory Team once the quarter is over what transition could look like if those metrics are met.
ECA Pray-ers:
Please send us your prayer requests so we can take time to pray for them on our campus!
Interested in joining an ECA Prayer team? Email Mrs. Crawford at the above email address to participate!