Welcome Fall!


At ECA, our vision is that school families Love God, Value Learning, and Serve Others.

Welcome to Fall

September 25, 2022

Hello ECA families,

As a child growing up, I always enjoyed the artwork of Norman Rockwell. As an illustrator for the Saturday Evening Post, he had an uncanny way of capturing one image of American society. The artwork was often humorous and comforting at the same time. While I recognize that a lot has changed since then, and our country now recognizes the accomplishments of multiple ethnic groups, I still enjoy how he captured this spirit through the lenses of the different seasons. Try a Google search on Normal Rockwell Fall and you will see what I mean.

Just like Rockwell was able to use the seasons of the year so effectively, ECA’s desire for our school family is for us to see God working in our lives through the seasons of the year. The Bible is filled with references to seasons and God often uses the seasons as a metaphor for our walk with him.

Daniel 2:21 - And he changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings: he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding.

Galatians 6:9 - And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.

Psalms 1:3 - And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.

Ecclesiates 3:1 - To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven.

As we start this new season of the year, I hope you see God working in your family’s life just like we can see the changes of the seasons.

One More Reminder About Paperwork for School

If you are still needing to get any paperwork to the office, please send it in or drop it off when you drop your child off at school. Paperwork might include the ECA Computer Usage Policy that needs to be signed and returned or possibly paperwork needed by the office. Also, if you still need to make additions for family and friends picking up your child, please get that information to the front office. If you took home paperwork for volunteering at ECA, we encourage you to start the process and follow the steps on the letter and forms that need to be emailed to our conference office. If you have any questions about proof of Covid vaccination or an exemption letter, please call the school or if you have any other questions, just call the office.

How many children at Emerald Christian Academy are vaccinated?*

As a school, we are required to provide this information about students in Lane County and students in our school.

Number of children at the school†

Percent of children with no immunization or exemption record

Percent of children with a medical exemption for one or more vaccine(s)

*Not all immunizations are required for all grades. These numbers may not total 100% if some children have medical exemptions, or are incomplete or in process with immunizations but do not need an exemption because they are on schedule.

Program and Staff Change at ECA

Every year, we prayerfully seek God’s direction and guidance as we prepare for a new year. I know that God is in control and this school year will be filled with amazing memories and opportunities for us to see God at work. As we start our 5th week of school, there is a change in our music program staffing. Mr. Perez has decided that a change is needed as he continues on his professional career. Talking with Mr. Perez, he has shared many accolades about our ECA students. In his short time with us, he enjoyed seeing Jesus come alive at school and wishes only the best for our students and school families.

I know this announcement brings many questions. As a school, we have filled spots for the music program with teachers for the short term while we seek a regular music teacher. I’m excited to see God work in our school and I can’t wait to share God’s vision for our music program. Stay tuned for more information.

ECA’s Annual Fall Festival

This annual festival is a great time to come out to school and meet with other families, enjoy fun and games, and celebrate our ECA family. Food and booths take tickets, so plan accordingly. There are also community and church booths, fundraisers for classrooms, and ECA’s Fall Scholastic Book Fair in the library. I hope to see everyone there.

Have You Ever Wanted to Work With Students as a Tutor?

ECA is looking to fill a position for an after-school tutor/helper with our after-school program. This position would be from 3:00 - 5:00 M-Th. As a part-time worker for the school, you would be compensated with an hourly pay. You would work with our CORE Full-Time teachers to help students in reading, math, and writing. You could also help out with after-school programs. If this sounds like an adventure you would like more information about, please call the office or send an email to principal@emeraldchristianacademy.com.

Christian Counseling Available - Free Resources:

The NAD (North American Division of SDA) has recently shared new resources for children and teens that offer a safe and anonymous place to talk or text. Here is a news release from the NAD.

We’re excited to announce the launch of www.aruggedjourney.org our newest NAD site providing free online mentoring for guys. A Rugged Journey joins www.gorgeous2god.org (for young women) which has grown in its scope and ministry since its beginning in 2017.

These sites, along with their counterparts on social media, provide free help to our teens/young adults in a space they can ask questions without judgment or fear. The questions are answered by a team of dedicated Seventh-day Adventists at AIM on the campus of Andrews University.

In addition to the confidential Q & A, positive content is provided through videos, posts, etc. 

www.gorgeous2god.org/ FB: gorgeous2god/ IG: @gorgeous2god 

www.aruggedjourney.org/ FB: aruggedjourney/ IG: @aruggedjourney

Announcements & Upcoming Events

  • Monday, September 26 - 8th Grade Parent Meeting 6:30 - 78 HR Classroom

  • Sunday, October 2 - ECA Fall Festival

  • Monday, Oct. 3 - Friday, Oct. 7 - Week of Prayer (Afternoon). This will also be the only month with our 1/2 day Friday on the first Friday of the month

  • Monday, Oct. 3 -Thursday, Oct. 6 - MAP Testing (Morning).

  • Friday, October 7 - 1/2 Day Friday & Hot Lunch (Home & School Fundraiser)

  • Friday, October 14 - No school - Teacher Inservice

    • "And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:” - Genesis 1:14

Doug Gaylor