RoadRunner Review: Slow Down
Principal’s Message:
I taught my Kindergartener’s to say “Rabbit, Rabbit” at school this week, in preparation for October 1. One of them asked, “Mrs. Crawford, what does “Rabbit, Rabbit” actually mean? ...and I had NO clue! It was soo fun for them and they loved that they “caught me” not knowing something.
But it got me thinking about all the things we do out of habit, or as part of our cultural norms—that we don’t really think about—it is so natural to us that it is almost a reflex. That little exchange got me thinking about all the little ways I just go about my day and sometimes can go through a whole day just one step in front of the other, doing things with little intention or purpose. I’m committing to slow down and disrupting “disconnected action.”
I hope you have time this weekend to intentionally be present with your family, with friends, with God. I think it changes who we are as individuals and ultimately how we operate as a community.
MAP Testing October 5-October 8.
Monday: Reading
Tuesday: Math Wednesday: Language Thursday: Make-Up TestsONLINE students are invited to test on-campus from 9:00-11:00 am OR at home during that window of time. Proctor for the 9:00 am-11:00 am window will be Mrs. Crawford
IN-PERSON students are invited to test at their regular on-campus time of 1:15-3:15 pm
Pre-K students will be on campus from 1:15-3:15 for regular schooling and will not be participating in testing.
School pictures have been rescheduled by the photography company for October 19! Emails have been sent out regarding orders. Feel free to call the office with further questions.
PIE Fundraiser!! You should have received your pie fundraiser packet in the mail this last week! Good luck pie-selling! Click here for more details. Pie orders will be collected next MONDAY, October 5.
Lane County Covid count is currently in the High risk category. We are continuing with limited in-person instruction from 1:15-3:15 pm. ECA has also put together a Covid Advisory Team to work with the Administration and the Board to keep up to date on state metrics, county metrics, and other data that we might need to consider. If you have concerns, thoughts, or information you would like this committee to consider please do email: with “Covid Advisory Team” in the subject line.
What are Learner’s are doing this week:
So fun to see what our Online Co-Op students are doing for their elective credit. The Johnson girls created a baked goods stand and have a lot of delicious treats available for purchase! Contact Mrs. Johnson at to get info on when they are selling!
Online co-op students, the Gang brothers, are using Art to expand their knowledge of cultures and history!
Kindergarteners plan their Beaver Dam project.
Everyone’s favorite time, “mask break time!”
The “big kids” cohort