One year ago
Principal’s Message:
One year ago I was frantically looking up how to set up Google Classrooms for all of our students, trying to organize Zoom classrooms and hoping that this few weeks upset would dissipate quickly and we could back to it.
There was no scenario in my mind where everything that we were doing that week (hardly a spring break) would turn into a one year ordeal.
I hope that, although, this last year might have been very difficult—that as you reflect back—you also find the things in life that clarified your priorities, that filled you with gratitude for the people in your corner, and that helped you stop and see the beauty in the simple things in life.
Also, if you aren’t quite seeing all of that yet…I hope you keep putting one foot in front of another and know that the “clouds will clear” one day.
Easter Egg Fundraiser for 8th grade! Contact ECA at if you are interested in participating!!
Spring Break: March 22-29
Save the Date!!
ECA’s Online Fundraiser—April 25.
We will be hosting “watch parties” at a few of our constituent churches from 1:30-2:30 pm:We need volunteers for our fundraiser in the following areas:
Volunteers to set up and take down raffle tables and light refreshments.
Volunteers to welcome guests and pass out refreshments
Please contact Rita Fisher, our Auction coordinator at:
Donations Needed for STEAM Lab!
We need the following items to replenish our STEAM lab supplies. Please contact Miss Lidia at if you are able to donate any of the following:
Paddle Pop Sticks (Jumbo)- As many as I can get
Craft pompom balls (3 packs)
Straws (2 boxes)
Pipe Cleaners (4-5 packs)
Gemstones (stick-on or glue-on) (1-2 boxes)
Dixie Cups (x3 boxes)
Beads (2 packs)
Googley Eyes (5 packs)
Felt Sheets (3 packs)
Coffee Filters (1 pack)
Tape (Individual)
Wax paper (2 packs)
Aluminum Foil (2 packs)
Toothpicks (2 boxes)
Few reminders:
If at all possible-please call us by noon day-off for last minute childcare arrangements.
Are you unsure about your child’s symptoms? Check this document for symptoms to keep an eye on. Do you want some guidance on whether they should be at school or stay home or get a Covid test? Call Lane County’s Non-Emergency Call Center line for Covid-19 at 541-682-1380
Covid Testing will be available on campus after Spring Break for students/staff etc. who are exhibiting symptoms or might have been exposed to Covid-19. ECA will be sending home a Covid permission slip for those families who would like their child to have access to testing on-site.